
Sabtu, 14 Mei 2011

Tindakan Pencegahan Penularan Penyakit Infeksi Pada Praktek Dokter Gigi

Pathogenic microorganisms that are present in blood, saliva, and dental plaque can contamitnate the hands of dental health care personnel. These microorganisms can contaminate instruments, dental equipment adn other enviromental surfaces. Infection control includes the precautions necessary to protect the dentists, employees and patients from the spread of infectious diseases through the dental practices. Infection control procedures must be used for all patients and for all dental procedures. All instruments used in intra oral treatment must be sterilized. All surfaces and items touched by hands contaminated with saliva or blood that cannot be sterilized should be scrupulously cleaned and disinfected with and effective agent, as an alternative is to use protective covers which is impermeable to water.
Keywords : infection control, dental practice.

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